STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL: Creating Success Through HR Excellence

Penulis : 

Adi Mursalin, SE., MM., CPHCM., CHRMP 




Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:  Sulaiman 


Penerbit : Mitra Ilmu 


Ukuran : 

23 x 15 cm (Standar UNESCO) 



Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang 

Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar 

Hp. 081340021801/ 0852-9947-3675/ 0821-9649-6667 

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Anggota IKAPI Nomor: 041/SSL/2022 


Cetakan pertama: Januari 2024 

Adi Mursalin, SE., MM., CPHCM., CHRMP 





Strategic  Human  Capital:  Creating  Success  Through  HR 

Excellence" is an insightful exploration of the transformative 

role  of  human  resources  (HR)  in  driving  organisational 

success.  In  this  dynamic  and  ever-changing  business 

landscape, the book navigates the reader through the strategic 

dimensions  of  HR  management,  emphasising  its  central 

contribution to achieving excellence. 

The  narrative  unfolds  with  an  acknowledgement  of  the 

evolving  nature  of  the  workplace,  marked  by  technological 

advances, demographic shifts and the imperative for a positive 

employee  experience.  Against  this  backdrop,  the  book 

establishes HR not just as a support function, but as a strategic 

partner critical to achieving core organisational goals. 

Each chapter of Strategic Human Capital reveals a facet of HR 

excellence and offers practical insights into talent acquisition, 

development,  performance  optimisation  and  cultural 

alignment. Moving beyond theoretical  frameworks, the book 

provides  a  tangible  blueprint  for  HR  professionals  and 

business leaders alike. It serves as a guide to harnessing the 

full  potential  of  human  capital  and  transforming  HR  into  a 

dynamic  force  that  drives  the  organisation  to  unprecedented 

levels of performance. 

With a visionary perspective, the book envisions a workplace 

where  HR  transcends  traditional  boundaries  to  become  a 

catalyst  for  innovation,  resilience  and  organisational 

brilliance.  "More  than  a  theoretical  discourse,  Strategic 

Human Capital is a practical guide that challenges readers to 

embrace  and  implement  forward-thinking  HR  practices.  It 

inspires a paradigm shift and promotes the belief that, under 

the guidance of visionary HR leaders, human potential can be  

Creating Success Through HR Excellence 

harnessed and directed to create lasting organisational success. 

This book is a compelling invitation to unleash the true power 

of an organisation's most valuable asset - its people.