TRIANGULAR RELATIONS BETWEEN US, ISRAEL, AND MOROCCO After Thirty Years Of Thirst And Turbulences In Western Sahara


Penulis : 

Alifianita Amalia 

Witri Elvianti, S.IP., MA 


ISBN: (Sementara proses) 


Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:  



Penerbit : 

Mitra Ilmu 


Ukuran : 

23 x 15 cm (Standar UNESCO) 



Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang 

Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar 

Hp. 081340021801/ 0852-9947-3675/ 0821-9649-6667 

Email :  

Website : 

Anggota IKAPI Nomor: 041/SSL/2022 


Cetakan pertama: November 2023 




Morocco took control of the north and Spain took control of 

The  Moroccan  Liberation  Army  (MLA)  together  with  the 

Tegna and Reguibat tribes which are the two main tribes in the 

Sahara  region,  fought  against  the  Spanish  to  seize  Spanish-

controlled  territory  and  reuniting  all  of  the  Western  Sahara 

region in Morocco. The MLA launched an attack on French 

outposts  and  attacked  the  Spaniards  and  their  vital 

installations  in  1957,  but  the  French  and  Spanish  militaries 

fought  back  with  the  joint  'Ouragan'  military  operation  and 

defeated Morocco in 1958. Through the Madrid Accord, Spain 

withdrew from Western Sahara and signed a joint agreement 

between  Spain,  Mauritania  and  Morocco  which  Morocco 

would  be  granted  two-thirds  of  Western  Sahara  and 

Mauritania  as  much  as  one-third  of  the  south  on  14th 

November 1975.