Penulis : 

Adi Mursalin, SE., MM 


ISBN: (Sementara proses) 


Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:  



Penerbit : 

Mitra Ilmu 


Ukuran : 

23 x 15 cm (Standar UNESCO) 



Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang 

Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar 

Hp. 081340021801/ 0852-9947-3675/ 0821-9649-6667 

Email :  

Website : 

Anggota IKAPI Nomor: 041/SSL/2022 


Cetakan pertama: November 2023 




In  a  world  where  effective  communication  is  paramount,  legal 

professionals face the unique challenge of mastering the intricacies 

of  the  English  language  within  the  sphere  of  law.  In  "Lawful 

Language: Mastering English for Legal Professionals," we embark 

on a transformative journey aimed at equipping legal practitioners 

with the linguistic prowess necessary to excel in their careers. 

This course offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves deep into 

legal  terminology,  writing,  and  communication.  Participants  will 

immerse themselves in the world of legal vocabulary, from essential 

legal terms to specialized phrases used in various legal contexts. By 

mastering  these  linguistic  nuances,  participants  will  possess  the 

ability  to  convey  legal  concepts  and  arguments  with  utmost 


Beyond  vocabulary,  "Lawful  Language"  places  a  strong  emphasis 

on honing legal writing and communication skills. Participants will 

learn  how  to  construct  well-organized  legal  documents,  craft 

persuasive  legal  opinions,  and  deliver  compelling  oral  arguments. 

Through interactive exercises and simulations, participants will gain 

invaluable  hands-on  experience  in  drafting  legal  documents, 

presenting oral arguments, and engaging in negotiations, all while 

sharpening their command of the English language. 

Led  by  seasoned  legal  language  instructors,  "Lawful  Language" 

offers a supportive and enriching learning environment. Participants 

will  receive  personalized  feedback  and  guidance  throughout  the 

course to ensure continuous improvement and growth. By the end of 

this  transformative  journey,  participants  will  emerge  with 

heightened  confidence,  equipped  with  the  linguistic  tools  and 

strategies necessary for success in every facet of their legal careers.