Penulis : 

Dr. Jasiah, M. Pd  

M. Bambang Purwanto, M.Ed., Ed.D 


Editor :  

Arum Putri Rahayu, M. Pd 


ISBN: 978-623-145-325-9



Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:  



Penerbit : 

Mitra Ilmu 


Ukuran : 

23 x 15 cm (Standar UNESCO) 



Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang 

Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar 

Hp. 0813-4234-5219/081340021801 

Email :  

Website : 

Anggota IKAPI Nomor: 041/SSL/2022 


Cetakan pertama: September 2023 





This book is structured to make it easier for digital media users 

to find learning resources, especially in the 21st century, better known as 

the disruptive 5.0 era. This compilation (consists of the basic knowledge 

of  Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICT),  Information 

Management  Systems,  Multimedia,  and  utilization  of  ICT  in  TEFL 

known as Computer–Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and further 

concerns toward the application of ICT to enhance the English language 

teaching  and  learning  as  a  foreign  language  that  includes  web–based 

learning, e–learning, blended learning, video conference, and Internet–

based  Testing  (IBT).  It  also  provides  some  practical  applications, 

exercises, and examples of the utilization of ICT in TEFL.