READING JOURNEY Grasp what you want!



Penulis : 

Yuliana, S.Pd.I., M.Pd 

 Dr. Andi Sadapotto, M.Hum 


ISBN: (Sementara Proses)  



Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:  



Penerbit : 

Mitra Ilmu 



Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang 

Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar 

Hp. 0813-4234-5219/081340021801 

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Anggota IKAPI Nomor: 041/SSL/2022 


Cetakan pertama: Mei 2023 




Vocabulary  is  knowing  the  meaning  of  words 

including names of things, feelings, concepts and ideas. The 

larger a child’s or student’s vocabulary ( understanding what 

words mean nor just being able to say them) the easier it is 

for them to understand what they are reading. 

Let  them  do  the  journey,  read  and  read  all  the 

materials,  understand  it  better.  So  we hope they  can  grasp 

what they want. Especially the vocabulary mastery and the 

hidden  concepts  and  content  of  reading  materials.  Just  like 

you  go  camping,  do  a  good  journey  near  the  beautiful 

scenery,  nice  mountain,  fresh  air,  wonderfull  waterfall, 

delicious food and drink, some fruits and cool river, It makes 

you feel enjoy and forget to come back.