INTRODUCTION TO WORLD ENGLISHES (Key Topics in Sosiolinguistics)
Penulis :
Noldy Palenkahu
Muhammad Ilham Ali
William J. Pontoh
Devilito Prasetyo Tatipang
ISBN: 978-623-145-050-0
Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:
Penerbit :
Mitra Ilmu
Jl. Kesatuan 3 No. 11 Kelurahan Maccini Parang
Kecamatan Makassar Kota Makassar
Hp. 0813-4234-5219/081340021801
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Cetakan pertama: April 2023
Changes in demographics, economic motivations, and
language education policies may fluctuate users of English in these
particular countries, thus blurring the lines between the outer circle
and the wider circle. There is a nature.
Kachru argues that it is important to consider each type of
English in its own historical, political, sociolinguistic, and literary
context. This concentric circle model not only shows that English
is widespread all over the world, but also “pluralism, linguistic
heterogeneity, cultural diversity, and different theoretical and
methodological approaches for teaching and research in English.
emphasizes the "concept of social foundations" (1984, p. 26). ).
Kachru also defines the quality of 'indigenousness' in World
English 'both in terms of its functional domain and reach, and the
depth of its social penetration and consequent acculturation' (1997
, p. 68). Communities use English in a wider range of social
contexts and thus gain the status of "native" English speakers.
However, this process is shaped by the historical role of English in
local communities (for example, as the language of colonial rule).
It is this interplay between functionality and history that leads to
the nativeization of English in a particular society or demographic.
As a result, Kakul argues that English belongs not only to native
speakers, but also to various non-native speakers around the world.